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At the Clinic

How Dental Clinic's Help your Children with Preventive Dental Hygiene.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

The Canadian Dental Association recommends that all children have their first dental visit and assessment either by the time they turn 1 or within 6 months of their first tooth breaking through. They should then see the dentist every 6 months for cleanings and check-ups, and for any treatment that may be needed.

Taking your kids for early, regular dental visits can help stop problems before they start or deal with them before they get out of hand. Your pediatric dentist can help make sure your kids’ at home brushing and flossing routines and techniques are effective, as well as help them become comfortable at the clinic.

Treatments To Help Boost Prevention

Pediatric dentists may also offer a number of clinical treatments to boost prevention of tooth decay and other oral health conditions. These might include:


Many parents and caregivers have been led to believe that they shouldn’t worry about getting their children’s “baby teeth” filled because they’re just going to fall out anyway.

But leaving decaying baby teeth untreated can cause a great deal of pain, and result in infection and tooth loss — which can cause other problems down the road. Find out more about why early dental treatment is so important here.

Mouth Guards

Mouth guards can help protect children involved in sports or other recreational activities from injury, such as chipped or broken teeth, and other jaw and mouth injuries that might alter tooth alignment or bite.


Many kids’ adult teeth begin coming in crooked, but eventually naturally straighten themselves out.

Some children’s teeth will not, unfortunately, end up properly aligned without intervention; and if children’s crooked teeth aren’t corrected, bite problems can occur, which in turn can make eating and proper dental care difficult.

In such cases, consider orthodontics, a specialty focusing on tooth and jaw alignment, and bite issues.


As diligent as you help your child become with brushing, flossing and regularly visiting the dentist, tooth decay can still happen—and it’s the back teeth (premolars and molars) that are most vulnerable, because they can be hard to reach and often have especially deep grooves where food and plaque can collect.

Made of very durable plastic, sealants are applied to the chewing surface of the back teeth, making them much less likely to collect harmful food and germs.


Your pediatric dentists may suggest x-rays to check for decay between your children’s teeth and below the gum line.

X-rays can also indicate whether or not teeth that haven’t yet, or haven’t fully, erupted are growing and developing as they should.

Detecting hard-to-reach areas of decay or early dental development problems can greatly increase the effectiveness of early treatment and help prevent other, more serious dental problems.

Welcoming Calgary's Young Smiles. 

We are your children's pediatric dental specialists in Southwest Calgary. 

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