Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Dental Technology

At Kids R Us Dentistry in Southwest Calgary, we use dental technologies, including digital x-rays, dental lasers, and panoramic x-rays to help deliver care for our young patients.

Digital X-Rays

X-rays are an important part of dental diagnosis and treatment. Without the use of x-rays you may have some issues that go undetected. Current equipment and techniques provide effective diagnostics at low levels of radiation exposure.

Digital x-rays are used at our practice instead of traditional film. This gives our dentist a full overview of your smile. We can save them electronically as records and are able to share with your insurance companies if needed.

Panoramic X-Rays

Panoramic X-ray technology produces one image of your whole mouth, which allows our dentist to accurately evaluate and diagnose a number of different problems at once.

Dental Lasers

Laser dentistry for kids can be used for both tooth and soft tissue related procedures and oftentimes can eliminate using local anesthesia all together.

Unlike a dental drill, dental lasers do not give off heat, nor does it cause a vibration effort, making the procedure more comfortable for children. For soft tissue treatment, it removes the need for sutures so healing time can be faster.

CariVu Machine

The CariVu machine is a compact and portable carrie (or cavity) detection device that uses technology to help with the identification of carious lesions and cracks on your child's. This allows your child's dentist to detect and treat cavities at their earliest stages.

Welcoming Calgary's Young Smiles. 

We are your children's pediatric dental specialists in Southwest Calgary. 

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(403) 640-0000